
Being Flexible is Key

I’m a planner and I’m not afraid to say it! When my kids were younger we had an indoor laundry room that was the length of our garage. I added a lot of storage cabinets–and a huge wall calendar. There were/are four of us, and we all were pretty busy, so everyone got a color. Along with our regular jobs my husband volunteered for city council, I volunteered for the kids’ extracurricular activities and the kids were busy with same. They never had to ask (which they often did anyway ) who was doing what and when because it was all right there, literally in living color!

The other day, after a week with the grandkids, I looked at the calendar and realized Rick and I have a busy schedule in the coming months. We are in the midst of our cabin renovation and want to go to Ruidoso to check on the progress. I am retired but Rick is still working, so I wanted to make sure he knew which days to take off. My list took us all the way into the middle of October!

But while I am a planner, that doesn’t mean I’m not up for something spontaneous. I love surprises (just not the scary kind!). If Rick came home one day and said we were going away for a long weekend I could have my bags packed in 3.2 seconds (that is, after I picked myself up off of the floor! Haha). I love to try new things (minus sky diving or zip lining) and new places (cold or hot makes no difference to me!). As my bio says, I am always up for an adventure.

So while I try to stay on a schedule, disruptions happen. You don’t feel well, friends cancel, plans change. The key is to be flexible! Robert Ludlum said, “Blessed are the flexible for they will not allow themselves to become bent out of shape! ” Don’t you love it?

I think that the best essential oils are from Young Living ( ! I love being able to refresh myself (a few drops in the palms rubbed together, or on the pulse points), in the car (a few drops on a cotton ball under the seat), or diffused in the home. Try lavender, lemon and purification!

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